Still working my way through some photos from the time Jordan and I spent in New York. Looking at them as a contact sheet, I keep seeing little splotches of color, so here is the first of a few posts highlighting that.
Thankfully the weather held out for Naperville Central to have their graduation outside last night. It's not often that I fill up a memory card on assignment but with deep blue skies, red gowns.... ohhhh boy....
My mother celebrated another calender year this past week and much to her surprise she walked into a house full of people one day to help her celebrate. So with much love- here's to you mother, Happy birthday and may there be many more.
Driving up Lake Shore Drive the other night as a cloud of fog fell over the city. It looked like the entire downtown/loop area was on fire and covered in smoke.
Jordan and I are spending a few days out in the Big Apple and spent last night meandering the streets around Times Square. Some times you just have to be a tourist...
Located on the far southwest side of Aurora, Jericho Circle is a public housing complex that is home to over 90 families. Built in the 70's the complex, then known as Westwood, was a nice community to live in according to Somtwin Cooper who has lived there for over 30 years. "It's not a bad place, just some bad people," she said of Jericho. Cooper is one of the few residents that is not in a rush to move out. The Aurora Housing Authority has applied for relocation vouchers to move residents once plans to tear the complex down are finalized. They have received 10 so far and have assigned each family a random number on a list to receive their voucher once the rest arrive. Carmen Castillo is number 9 on that list. "It's finally here," she said on moving day. Castillo and her family have lived at Jericho for six years and wasted no time finding a new home on Aurora's east side.
This is the story of the families at Jericho. A record of their lives in a place that some can't wait, and some don't want to forget.
Last year I spent some time with the Solgos family from Aurora as they welcomed 10 year old Therese into their home. They knew Therese has a heart condition that would require surgery, but as time passed the condition known as Coarctation of the Aorta, was constricting her aorta at a faster pace than expected and they were forced to move quickly to get her into surgery.
I followed Therese and the rest of the Solgos family as they spent night after night in the hospital until Therese was finally ready to come home.
I can not thank the family enough for letting me follow them through such a stressful point in their life. Casey and Ericka are two amazing people and I wish them the best in the future.
Basketball season wrapped up a little while ago and that means the annual, "These kids rocked their sport" portraits.
This year we featured Kat Yelle from Geneva and Ryan Boatright from East Aurora. I've always wanted to play around with multiple exposures in the camera and used this opportunity to give it a whirl. Both kids were great as I attempted way to many times to get the lighting and positioning right for what was essentially two different setups but shot on one frame. Overall I was pretty happy with how they turned out and so where Ryan and Kat which made me even happier to hear.
After hearing the news last night, it didn't feel right to just sit at home so Jordan and I headed to Downtown Naperville to see if anybody was at the memorial there, but alas, there was not. Not being a town of action, Naperville didn't have the hoopin' and hollerin' seen in other parts of the country and honestly, I'm kinda glad. While I can't say I didn't feel a bit happy Bin Laden was dead, I do think that pouring onto the streets was a bit much. By no means do I allege to have answer for what should or shouldn't have been done, but at what point are we just perpetuating the cycle of action and reaction. The man took thousands of innocent lives and probably did deserve to die. Now though, we have more people getting more upset at our country which may result in even more innocent lives being lost.