
A walk around the world

When finally got to the hotel we were advised to try not to sleep to help avoid jet lag. You can imagine the response from a bunch of 20 somethings who have been traveling from the other side of the globe for the past day. I knew if I sat down on anything but a board with nails I would pass out so I turned to the one activity I knew would keep me awake... exploration.

I was not alone on this excursion. A few others took to the streets to stay busy... and why not, when your in such a new and cool place.
This was actually an under construction addition to our hotel that just happened to have some amazing light. Later on we did portraits of the whole crew for the multi-blog. I will post those later or just check'em out on the blog itself HERE. This one is of Colleen Stewart who is working on a side project while we are here with Sara Shipley Hiles. I would highly suggest checking out their work about farmer suicides in india HERE.

Cows are everywhere.

More rooftop action.

The next three are from our morning gander around the area. We got a lot of goofy looks, but for the most part the people were really nice.

And on a fun note... High fivin' the light.


Travel Travel Travel

The conferance has its first round tables today, but in an effort to keep this somewhat chronological we shall start from the beginning. At breakfast this morning a comment was made about how long yesterday felt. After a moment we realized that yesterday had started around 8:30 Friday Morning and didn't end for close to 30 hours later... sans sleep.
Here are some photos from the trip which basically doubled the time I have had in my air travel career.

Our fearless leader, Mr. Kerry J. Northrup during a 4 hour layover in Chicago.
The 777 we were on for about 16 hours had an external camera which showed the takeoff and landings. Very cool.

Walking off the plane in Frankfort. I don't remember if this is a sunrise or sunset....

Boarding a plane.... I believe in Delhi?

1/500th of a second view the 20 or so hours we spent in a plane.

Also, check out the Multi-blog that will be being updated by our crew covering the conferance HERE.

Goodmorning India

After countless hours awake and way to much time in the air, our crew touched down in Hyderabad, India at roughly 5:30 a.m. local time. The crew of about 15 has been dubbed the "iMedia" team from WKU and we are here to help out and document the WAN-IFRA 2009 World Newspaper Congress - World Editors Forum. We will be helping put together a multi-blog on the conference that other editors and journalists around the world can check out. For more info on the conference click HERE. I will keep this blog updated as much as possible so check back soon!


John Rogers

I met John Rogers last week as I was driving around the Shake Rag district of Bowling Green. He was really cool and put up with my camera in his face for a two days.


Raise the Roof

Micah played at the second annual Raise the Roof Concert that was held the other night at Hillvue Heights Church. All the proceeds are going to help fund the establishment of Buddy House, a learning and activity center for people with Down Syndrome that will have extended education activities and job coaching.

Joe's sister Kate got on stage for a song and helped sing a tune in her custom made Rock Star outfit.


More fun with portraits

I have been playing around with different processing of some recent portraits. I was going for a look similar to that of cross processing from the film days. It's not really journalistic, but it's fun to experiment and see where it goes. Thoughts?




I present to you a splattering of portraits from the last few days. Portraits aren't normally my cup o' tea, but I have actually had a good time with this last bunch of them so hopefully that is a good sign.

Local guitar player/bar musician

A teacher that collects flamigos

A familiar face... Mr. Timothy Gilbert sheds the make up of Venus Knight to pose for one himself.


Car Fire

I was walking across campus yesterday and suddenly got a wiff of what smelled like burning plastic. I turned the corner and found smoke billowing out of the third story of the parking garage. "Hmm," I thought to myself, "That's probably not good."
Turns out it was a car fire. Officials weren't sure what caused the fire but were searching for the owner.


Old Friend

It has been awhile since Venus Knight has made an appearance on the blog, but she had a belated Halloween party last week paired with a drag show in their basement that was really fun. They had a few guest performances including her mom and best friend which was a blast to see.

Here are a few:

To freshen the memory, here is the link to the original story..... CLICK!



Keep on swimming....

keep on swimming...

Western hosted Xavier on the day of our homecoming football game. It was beautiful outside, so to go into a muggy pool was not exactly my first choice of ways to spend the day.... but alas, a good time was had and pictures made.

keep on swimming......


WKU Homecoming

So it was kinda a crazy weekend and it's looking like it is going to stay that way for awhile so I apologize in advance for any delay's in posts.
Homecoming was last Saturday and we got creamed 40-20 putting us at a whopping 0-9 on the season. O well, it was fun to shoot. My task was to keep an eye on the red towels that float around at all the games and other feature-y type happenings. It was fun, Enjoy.

This is at the very top of the stadium. Really no relation to Homecoming, but I took the previous photo, turned around, and saw this....



High School Rodeo

Western hosted the High School rodeo that featured riders from Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee last week out at the Ag Center. This years rodeo drew over 1,00o spectators from around the three state area.

All these kids were super cool and really seemed to love being out there. I was amazed to learn that the bulls that they rode were bulls that normally circuit in the College and Pro classes.

Out at the practice pen was where I think I had the most fun. I couldn't decide which one I liked better, so you get them both. The Herald ran the second one. Check out the story HERE.